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It is World Water Day on the 22nd of March
World Water Day is a campaign which takes place every year, with the aim to raise awareness about the global water crisis. This year is the campaigns 20th anniversary. Working within the bathroom industry, we understand the importance of having access to water, both drinking and for cleaning with, and how this can improve your life. We are keen to get involved and back the campaign… and what better way than by raising awareness with some information about what it’s all about.
The Facts
(Taken from
- Over 3.4 million people die each year from water, sanitation, and hygiene-related causes – 99% of these deaths are in the developing World.
- 780 million people lack access to clean water.
- Whilst in the UK all we need do is switch a tap on to gain access to lovely clean water, women in developing countries spend 200 million hours a day collecting water.
- A child dies from a water-related illness every 21 seconds. In 2009 a child died every 15 seconds – meaning that 1656 children lives are being save EVERY DAY. This shows that things are getting better, but there is clearly still a long way to go!
- The World Population is growing, yet we still have the same amount of water to share around.
- “An American taking a five-minute shower uses more water than the average person in a developing country slum uses for an entire day.”
- Improved water supply, sanitation, hygiene, and water resource management, could reduce the global disease burden by nearly 10% it is estimated.
- Those people living in slums pay 5-10 times as much for water, compared to those living in the same city.
How to Help
There are a range of charities who are working to bring sanitation and clean water to developing countries. One of the ones supported very well within the bathroom industry is Water Aid.
You can of course give up your own time and volunteer with Water Aid, you can support by donating money and also get involved by doing some fundraising. However, another key element is raising awareness. Water Aid has a campaign running which is designed to raise awareness of the issues around water sanitation. The campaign has already started in the run up to World Water Day, but you can still get involved and share their photos on your own social media pages. using #20ways. Make sure you follow them on Twitter and Like them on Facebook, so you can share their pictures and messages.